Wavian Jerry Cans featured in Mens Health Magazine

Wavian Jerry Cans have always been good for storing fuel, but did you know that they are also very popular as keep fit aids? In the latest Aug17 edition of mens magazine, Mens Health our 20 litre Khaki Jerry Can can be seen – as an essential fitness aid.

The magazine recommends their use by advising, “You might be able to move fast or heavy – but doing both at the same time is a real strongman test. Strengthen your traps, tris and legs by filling these cans and legging it down the length of the garden. Which we hope is fairly small”.

It’s definitely something we’re going to try here in the office, but only if can only find out where I keep my traps and tris. In the meantime if you wish to purchase a couple of steel wavian jerry cans you can use the promo code JERRY5 until the end of September 2017 for £5 off any order over £50 on our website. Spend over £75 and you will also receive free UK delivery. 

This includes our huge range of steel and plastic fuel canslarger fuel containment systems, not to mention our range of CEMO portable fuel trolleys and accessories.

Just enter the code at the checkout just before you complete the purchase. For information on wholesale Jerry Can orders contact us on 01508 493 647 or email sales@wavian.net

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