It’s always great to see our Wavian Fuel Cans being used in different locations around the world. This time we found a couple of them on the back of their jeep exploring Death Valley in California.
Here are a few interesting facts about the photos…

The pic with the wooden sign above was taken at the top of Lippincott Pass, which is just a couple of miles south of the famous Racetrack Playa and its “sailing stones.” (

This photo with the Cruiser in a rock pile was taken at the Alabama Hills, an incredible geological site where many old western movies were filmed, and a close neighbour to Mt. Whitney. It’s right off of Hwy 395, about an hour south of Bishop, CA. If you ever find yourself traveling that way, it’s worth the short diversion for bit of sightseeing. (
Taking spare fuel on a trip through one of the hottest places on the planet definitely makes sense especially if you are driving off-road. I just hope they had plenty of water in the Scepter can nestled bedside our 2 x 20 Litre Wavian Fuel Cans. It’s not somewhere you’d want to be stuck for too long.
Whether they were on their way to Vegas on not I’m not sure, but they were definitely carrying gold on the back of their vehicle!
20 Litre Wavian Jerrycan Holder (Front Loading – Premium Edition)£51.33 (£61.60 inc VAT)
20 Litre Steel Jerry Can – Khaki£28.16 (£33.79 inc VAT)