At this time where many people are working from home and self isolation is commonplace staying fit is even more important than ever for both your physical and mental well-being. Swimming pools and fitness centres are closed and with most people confined to one walk per day and exercising from home, now is a great opportunity to use everyday objects as tools to keep healthy.

Of course using a Jerry Can or Fuel Can as a fitness aid is nothing new and many people already use one or something similar in their fitness routine. By filling plastic fuel containers or water containers with water you can increase or decrease the required weight of the can in order to meet your required goals.
We thought it would be a nice idea to create some specific exercise product packs based on some of our product ranges in order to encourage and motivate people to keep fit during this period of uncertainty.
Fitness Packs
Pack 1 – Light Weights – Upper Body
2 X 5 Litre Containers
Great for use instead of dumbbells for arm strength and increased stamina. Fill with water to required weight. Each 5 Litre fuel can will weigh slightly over 5kg when full with water.
Click here to buy >
Pack 2 – Middle Weights – Upper and lower
2 X 10 Litre Fuel Containers
Versatile container that can be used for arms, legs and lower body exercise routines depending on your existing fitness levels and part of a structured daily workout. Fill with water to required weight. Each 10 Litre container will weigh slightly over 10kg when full with water.
Click here to buy >
Pack 3 – Heavyweights – Multi purpose fitness aids
2 X 20 Litre Stackable Water Containers
Combined with a broom handle to create weights for deadlifting etc. Fill with water to required weight. Each 20 Litre container will weigh slightly over 20kg when full with water.
Click here to buy >
Please take care when using any kind of makeshift fitness equipment. Health and safety is paramount and professional advice must be taken before attempting any kind of strenuous exercise. Be realistic about your goals and don’t over do it.
Video Tutorials and Fitness Guides
There are lots of resources online regarding how to safely and effectively use everyday objects as fitness aids during lockdown. Below is a small selection of videos as a guide. In addition, here are a few links to other great resources that can be adapted to use fuel cans and water containers instead of dumbbells.
Strength & Conditioning – Kevin Kearns, Workout 13: The Jug Juggernaut
The 13 Best Dumbbell Exercises
Dumbbell Exercises for Legs
The Best Lower Body Strength Exercises
Getting fit with our usual Jerry Cans
If you are looking for a higher level of training, is a good website to see how you compare with the expected fitness of a Soldier. For example when it comes to Jerry Cans you will need to carry two full jerry cans a certain distance. This ranges between 30m and 120m based on your role”
In this video you from the Grenade workout series a team of recruits use a set of steel fuel cans to work with, with resistance adjusted by different levels of water in the cans. Team Grenade are all champion competitive athletes in their own right.
** Very important Do not fill a Wavian Steel Jerry Can with water if you intend to put fuel in it afterwards. The special internal Rezol lining will react with the water and start to degrade. **
Email for more info. During the current lockdown our office staff are working remotely and all our fulfilment agents are complying to all safety guidelines in order to work safely. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all NHS workers and key workers for all their hard work during this time. #Staysafe.