For the very first time we are proud to be able to offer these excellent quality Yellow 10 Litre fuel cans for sale on

The cans are not Wavian Branded, but they have gone through our stringent testing regime and we are pleased to say that if you are looking for a high quality, but slightly cheaper alternative to our classic Wavian fuel cans you won’t go far wrong with these.
The key difference with these 10 litre fuel cans and a ‘Wavian’ 10 Litre fuel can is that the shape and design is more in keeping with our 5 and 20 litre cans, rather than the Wavian 10 Litre fuel can which is essentially a cut down version of our 20 litre can.
They are ideal for use in the boot of a car or for storage in a caravan or on a boat, where they will take up slightly less room than a regular 20 litre fuel cans. The distinctive yellow colour will make sure you never lose the cans and should you need to label them, eg petrol or diesel we also stock a wide range of labels too (here).
As these fuel cans are manufactured by the same people as the ‘site’ cans our regular Wavian spouts won’t fit properly on them. Instead, if you are looking to buy a spout, make sure you purchase a bayonet ‘site’ can spout to go with them.
These cans are currently only available in packs of two, but if you would like to enquire about a larger order then please feel free to get in touch with us on 01508 493 647 or email and we would be very happy to give you a quote.