Ok, so Halloween has been and gone and that weird couple on your street have already put up their Christmas lights so we thought we’d start the ball rolling with some fantastic gift ideas from www.jerrycans.co.uk
In addition to being the largest wholesaler of high quality steel fuel cans in the UK we also sell a few items that might be just the thing for you Dad or Grandad’s (or Mum and Grandma’s) Christmas stocking.
Rock God

Every Dad loves to shred and what better way to fill the man cave with noise than with this awesome Jerry Can guitar amp. It might not go up to eleven, but it will drive the kids crazy and it’s beautifully engineered in Scandinavia. What more do you need?
Price £299.99
For more info visit
Clock Watcher

Everybody has a relative who spends more time in the shed than in the house. What they get up to nobody knows, but one thing is for sure dragging them in for lunch or tea is never an easy thing to do. These fab Jerry Can clocks mean there’s never an excuse to miss mealtimes and they look great too. Just don’t forget the battery isn’t included.
Price £23.99 plus £4.99 p&p
For more info visit