2019 seemed to come and go in a flash and we’re almost a week into 2020 already. Everyone at Green Valley would like to wish our customers (past, present and future) a very Happy New Year and hope that it will be a successful one in all aspects of your life.
We’re really excited about continuing to supply the best high quality steel fuel cans and accessories in the UK and this year we will also be adding more items to the range of products we sell on a brand new website (more info to follow soon).
Wavian Quality
Our high quality steel Wavian fuel cans are sought out by customers all over the world and we pride ourselves on supplying high quality Jerry Cans that are built to last.

Please be aware that some less reputable websites and some sellers on Amazon are using photographs of our Wavian Fuel Cans in order to sell inferior quality fuel cans. We always try and contact these ‘dodgy’ sellers to stop them doing this, but to be sure always double check that the cans are actually Wavian before you buy and look for our logo.
Last year we created a special video in which Simon Webster went into some detail about the difference between a good (Wavian) fuel can and a bad fuel can. You can watch that video below –
Screw Top Fuel Cans
We also sell a variety of different Wavian Fuel Cans and Spouts, including our new ‘smart’ safety spout. Explo-safe fuel cans that contain a special non-explosive mesh and our new screw top fuel cans that use a (magnetic) screw top rather that our traditional bayonet style fuel cans.

The magnetic screw top is very handy as it can be attached to the side of the fuel can while in use.
If you have any additional questions about our high quality steel fuel can please feel free to contact us directly on 01508 493 647 or email [email protected]