Here at Green Valley we are always looking for interesting projects to support and before the pandemic stopped most of these fantastic projects we would quite often donate products to teams embarking on long journeys or expeditions for a good cause.
Quite often people will also get in touch with us to tell us about their adventure and with Wavian’s reputation for durability and quality they know our fuel cans won’t let them down.
That leads me on to Rally DMC, the DMC team consists of Christopher Crowther, David Roman and Megan Cameron-Heffer and their plan is to start in the UK and drive their tiny Ford Fiesta across 3 continents, 24 countries (which is over 12,000 miles) in just 8 weeks.

You can find out more about their project over on their website, you can also donate too – all profits from the project will be donated to a Ukrainian Relief Charity
Here is a link to their gofundme page.
We wish the team all the best of luck and we hope to catch up with them again when they are back.