Category Archives: Water Containers

Be Prepared: 20 Litre NATO Water Container

20 Litre Nato water container

Luckily in the UK we’ve never had to experience the sort of extreme weather conditions that the US (especially Florida & Key West) and Caribbean have had to endure in recent weeks. For the people affected the recovery process is only just beginning and for these people their current issue is not only rebuilding their homes and[read more…]

Product of the Week – 20 Litre NATO Water Canister, 2KGS

Over the years we’ve built up a fantastic reputation for selling the best quality Wavian Jerry Cans, however you might not know that we are also a major supplier of plastic water containers and a range of associated products. One of the most popular sellers is our range of Nato Water Canisters. These containers are[read more…]

Plastic water containers from Green Valley

Although we don’t mind being known as the UK’s finest distributor of Jerry Cans, another big part of our business is selling Plastic Water Containers. Over the last two decades we’ve sold thousands of plastic water containers supplying everyone from the MOD, to survival experts, Polar exhibitions and even a few gardeners too. Our plastic[read more…]