New: 5 Litre Plastic Fuel Cans

We’re really excited about some new additions to our range of high quality fuel cans and containers, including new 20 & 22 Litre Water Containers, new 10 & 20 Litre empty AdBlue® Containers, not to mention a new oil drainer and these superior quality 5 litre plastic fuel cans. The 5 Litre plastic fuel cans[read more…]

New Delivery Options at

You may have noticed we’ve updated and improved our website to make things easier for our customers to access all the information they need about our products in a clear and concise way. The site is also optimised for mobiles too and we’ve also integrated Apple Pay and Android Pay right into our system enabling[read more…]

Wavian Fuel Cans & 4WD Toyota Owner Magazine

The Wavian brand is well known all over the world for its quality and durability and we find that people who are looking for the highest quality fuel cans, generally choose Wavian. They last longer and you actually save money in the long run. We work with a distributor in the USA who attends many[read more…]

Win a 20 litre Steel Camouflage Fuel Can

It wont be long before everyone is back out into the garden, the days are getting longer, the daffodil bulbs are starting to push up and the sound of a million garden sheds creaking open will be heard this Sunday around the UK. We’re getting ready for another busy year and we thought it would[read more…]

Welcome to our brand new website

We’ve spent the last few months updating and upgrading our website to make ordering one of our high quality Wavian fuel cans even easier than ever. You can now purchase our products safely and securely on a mobile using either a card or Apple Pay or Google Pay. You’ll find products are easy to[read more…]

Last Dates for Christmas Delivery and Christmas Opening Times

We’d like to thank all our customers (new and old) for their continued support in 2018. It’s been a really busy year for us and as it comes gradually to an end we’ve been really pleased to see continuing growth on our sales of high quality Wavian fuel cans and accessories, both here, the US[read more…]

Stock update – 5 Litre Wavian Fuel Cans

Due to unprecedented demand for our high quality Wavian fuel cans we are currently out of stock of our 5 litre Wavian Khaki steel fuel can and also our 5 litre Wavian Red steel fuel can. We are currently looking at a restocking time of approx 2 weeks, so if you would like to order[read more…]