Product of the week : 20 Litre NATO Water Container

In addition to being a major supplier of high quality steel fuel cans and containers in the UK and abroad, a big part of our business is selling NATO approved plastic water containers to our wholesalers suppliers. 

Within our product range there is a number of popular plastic water containers we like to think we have something to meet your requirements. For us quality is important, we’ve been dealing with a lot of our customers over many years.

They trust us to supply a quality product at the right price. We’re not interested in selling low quality water containers that won’t do the job (and keep doing the job) and the Wavian brand and reputation for quality is testament to this philosophy. 

20 litre NATO water contiainer

Used Worldwide
This 20 litre NATO approved plastic water container is one of our most popular items. This is the same container that is used by many different aid agencies across the world. In areas where a natural disaster has occurred often the most vital necessity is clean drinking water and these tough 20 litre containers are built for the job.

We’ve also had explorers and adventurers strap the cans to the top of their vehicles while travelling through deserts and remote districts all over the world. Meanwhile, closer to home the NATO water containers are also very popular with mobile catering companies who need a source of fresh water when perhaps there isn’t a mains supply in the vicinity or for caravan owners on their holidays.

Breather Cap
A notable feature on these cans is in addition to the regular cap, the can also has a small breather cap. This enables the container to be emptied more quickly than usual. I nice feature with these cans is that the caps are attached to the can with a small chain, this certainly helps to avoid losing them (spare sets are also available). The cans are also available in clear and black (we’re waiting for new stock on black now). Our Green NATO water containers are available in stock for next day delivery (click here for full details)

Product specifications
Size dimensions : Height 46.5cm / Depth 33.5cm/ Width 17.5cm
Product Code: JC0020WCGV
Weight 2kg
Price £25.85

Save money on Multi-packs
Customers wishing to purchase more than one NATO water container can take advantage of special multi pack savings. 

Pack of 3 £73.80
Pack of 10 £243.00

Click here to buy > 

For more info on these products, including wholesale enquires, call us +44 1508 493 647 or email

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